The story of Rock`n`Roll made in Pula (and Istria)

This is a blog where you will find music from one of the richest rock-scene from Croatia, the city of PULA rock-scene.There will be some Istrian music too, as Istria is the region of Croatia to which Pula belongs to.You will find here how good and different was the Pula scene, with some of the bands recognised worldwide.


PS:All the infos about the bands are approximative, and will be changed with every useful info I get from the members of the bands!

PPS: Please notice that the NON-HIGHLIGHTED name of a certain release is a part of band`s audiography, but not available for download, for not having the permission or for respecting the authors rights. Or, of course, not yet in my possession.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


A rich compilation of noisy bands from the Pula scene from 1992 to 2002, as you can see it is a home made compilation by Rio, the most active guy in that part of the scene (no wonder he is member in each and every band featured here !!!). Eight bands and 34 tracks. A must for all Grindcore fans.


trgec said...

e vala,ovaj internet je zakon...a ovaj blog je i više od toga,no imami jednu malo zamjerku,da se ne ljutite...pored svih tih pulskih bendova,ako se ne varam naišao sam samo na jedan spomen benda ULIČNI...!?!?pa zar nisu oni iz pule?...nemogu vjerovati da ih nema...meni su zakon,barem ono što sam imao prilike čuti,no nažalost digodilo se što se dogodilo...pozz i ajde dajte i malo Uličnog...

Alexcro said...

Zivio, trgec!
Ulicni ce biti cim nabavim materijal, ni materijal The Swindle-a (iz kojeg je nastao Ulicni) nije potpun, pa se moras strpiti dok nabavim taj materijal. Eto, toliko. Zivio.