The story of Rock`n`Roll made in Pula (and Istria)

This is a blog where you will find music from one of the richest rock-scene from Croatia, the city of PULA rock-scene.There will be some Istrian music too, as Istria is the region of Croatia to which Pula belongs to.You will find here how good and different was the Pula scene, with some of the bands recognised worldwide.


PS:All the infos about the bands are approximative, and will be changed with every useful info I get from the members of the bands!

PPS: Please notice that the NON-HIGHLIGHTED name of a certain release is a part of band`s audiography, but not available for download, for not having the permission or for respecting the authors rights. Or, of course, not yet in my possession.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

MENTALNI NERED (1985-1987)

Mentalni Nered is a cult band from Pula made of fans of extreme HC in the veins of Larm and similiar bands.the band existed few years and actually never made any serious recording and their whole existance was somehow not serious.But they became cult anyway, and no band thereafter had such noisiness and such impact as they did.


Anonymous said...

Činjenica je da ovaj bend nije pulski jer nijedan član nije bio s adresom u Puli.

Alexcro said...

Ali je baza bila Pula. Ni Gustafi ne zive u Puli, ali se vode kao pulsko-vodnjanski band. Necemo bas sitnicariti, jel?

Anonymous said...

Ne treba sitničariti, ali poznajem te ljude i baza im nije bila Pula, već Barban i Raša. Istina, dvojica članova su išla u Pulu u srednju školu jer im je bila najbliža. Nikad se nisu smatrali pulskim bandom već upravo zato što su bili iz raznih dijelova Istre, istarskim bandom.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (19.07) ima pravo. Na početku, baza je bila tamo gdje su bili mogučnosti za sviranje i prostorije za vježbanje...Želiski (Barban), Rabac, Raša, Premantura i ponekad železnički kolodvor u Puli. MN su bili prvi aktivni hardcore bend iz Istre i tretirali se kao dio Pulske punk "scene". Prvi koncert je održan u proljeće 1984 na Pulskoj Gitarijadi ispred "Zlatna Vrata" ujedno prvi hardcore koncert u PU. Zatim su slijedili ostali koncerti pod imenom H.M.F. (Hardcore Macht Frei). Kasnije u 1985 ime su promijenili nazad u MN, sa bazom u PU.